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Innhold om Utvikling

Totalt 53 innlegg

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React – et hjertesukk

React, Utvikling
Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Ahh, React. Min gode venn gjennom mange år. Jeg skal være ærlig: forholdet vårt starta litt turbulent. Jeg var usikker på om det å blande HTML inn i Javascripten egentlig var noen god idé. Det tok faktisk et par år før du klarte å overbevise meg! Men du var heldigvis tålmodig. For det som starta som en skepsis viste seg å etter hvert til å bli til en aldri så liten forelskelse! Ohh boy!

Java versions are easier with jEnv

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Johannes Kvamme

Java comes in many versions, if not colors. Different projects and dependencies might rely on different versions. This is where jEnv comes in!

Terminaltriks for deg som skriver feil

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Johannes Kvamme

Så du skrev feil i terminalen. Igjen. Glemte sudo. Skrev less istedenfor ls. Dette er meg hver. eneste. dag. Men fortvil ikke, det finnes hjelp og snarveier!

Hvilket problem prøver Webpack å løse?

JavaScript, Utvikling
Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Marcus Haaland

Hva er egentlig greia med Webpack? I samme åndedrag hører du gjerne “loaders”, “plugins” og annen babbel. Hvilket problem er det Webpack egentlig prøver å løse?

Demystifying data pipelines with Apache Beam

Artikkel (9 min)
Fra Jonas Mossin Wagle

The data engineering toolbox is growing as the industry adapts to increasing data. We need tools to process data to unlock its value efficiently. One such tool is Apache Beam. This article aims to introduce key Apache Beam concepts and provide an example of implementing a data pipeline.

Extend your automated tests to the Shell

Artikkel (9 min)
Fra Andreas Mosti

With the rise of automated testing as a practise high performing technology organizations do, it's time to broaden the horizon and look past the application code. Every piece of code responsible for delivering value should also be tested. In this post, we will take the shell into the warmth and make it a first class citizen in the automated testing regime with bats.

Minimalistisk API i .NET på 1-2-3-4

Utvikling, .NET
Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Bendik Bjørndal Iversen

Visste du at du kan sette opp et .NET API med bare fire linjer kode?

3 More Ways to Prank Your Developer Colleagues

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Johannes Kvamme

Last Christmas, I gave you my pranks. The very next year, I give you some more! Alright, I admit that didn’t quite fit the melody, but pranks are a-coming never the less!

Patterns for sustainable API-design

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Runar Ovesen Hjerpbakk

When building great digital products, we need to consider the disciplines of design, engineering, and business simultaneously. And behind every beautiful and usable frontend, there stands, hopefully, a fitting, performant, robust, and maintainable backend. These backends consist of APIs that are sustainable.

Accelerate your site's load times with geometric primitives

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Sindre Moldeklev

Having a fast and snappy site makes for happy users who are more likely to return to your site. Low quality image placeholders (LQIP) might be what you need to make for a pleasant loading experience for your users.

Introduction to Rust

Funksjonell, Utvikling
Artikkel (19 min)
Fra Sivert Johansen, Isak Singh

Why has Rust been voted the most beloved programming language – seven years in a row, ever since it got released? What’s the hype about? Read along to get a glimpse of Rust, without having to read boring documentation. We’ll introduce Rust, bit-by-bit, by writing a simple CLI program that parses a list of HTTP requests and executes them.

Is CAP just used by truckers that distribute systems?

Sky, Utvikling
Artikkel (8 min)
Fra André Perzon

What are distributed systems and where can we find them in our everyday life? Bottle CAP and CAP theorem what is the difference?

Getting started with load testing through locust

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Halvor Hølmebakk Mangseth

Have you heard about load testing but never really got started? Maybe you’re deploying an app to Kubernetes and have to fill out “cpu and memory requirements” and don't know how to recreate user activity? Or you’ve implemented a new feature but you’re unsure how your API handles it? Load testing is here to save you! Here's a simple quick start guide to locust to get you started.

Cross platform CLIs with Swift

Apputvikling, Utvikling
Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Bendik Solheim

Swift is mostly known as «that language people use to make iPhone apps». And while the two certainly are a good match, Swift is not really tied to the iPhone anymore. Let’s see how it performs as a language for making cross platform CLIs!

Hvordan håndtere kontekstbytting som en utvikler

Utvikling, Personlig utvikling
Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Hein Haraldsen

I arbeidslivet er man nødt til å skifte oppmerksomheten mellom å programmere på ulike oppgaver, sitte i møter, eller håndtere input fra kolleger.