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Today's posts

3 min read – Java

Get started with JUnit 5

JUnit 5 was released two years ago. Are you still running your tests with JUnit 4.12? Let’s change that, and get you started with JUnit 5.

8 min listen – Innovation

Smidig organisering, del 2: Myndiggjorte team og hvordan gå fra vaskemaskinproduksjon til... noe annet?

Dette er del 2 av 6 kaffeprater om Smidig organisering. Vi diskuterer myndiggjorte team og diskuterer handlingsrommet og autonomiteten til teamene. Hvorfor snakker vi om myndiggjorte team fremfor autonome team?

5 min read – JavaScript

The State of Frontend, Five Years Later

I recently became a frontend developer. Again. The last time I was, was back in 2014. And it's pretty much like riding a bike: if you haven't done it in 5 years, you're going to feel pretty damn wobbly. Especially if the bikes started using create-react-app and Sagas in the meantime. So, with all the wisdom of a child who just fell of his bike, I'm going to try to share a few insights on the state of ~biking~ frontend in 2019!

3 min read – Open Source

Interview with Olivier Tassinari

Today's interview is with @olivtassinari. Olivier is a developer and the co-creator of the UI component library for React: Material-UI.

7 min read – The Cloud

Resilience in a cloud architecture

A typical cloud architecture - from a cloud native solution to a public cloud solution - consists of multiple connected services. Some of these services are your own, others are third-party services. Common for these is that they all communicate with each other over a network and that they depend on each other's availability. When your application integrates with another service - your application must handle erroneous behavior from the service. Thinking resilience is, based on my experience, something we developers often forget and is first addressed once we experience availability issues with the service in production.

6 min read – UX

En liten historietime. Om historier.

Historier sender ungene våre til drømmeland. Historier bygger solide merkevarer og får tårer til å trille på kino. Historier skaper helter. Skurker. Presidenter. Mytologier. Konspirasjoner. Legender. De er limet som skaper et fornuftig narrativ vi kan forholde oss til i dag, i morgen og til dagen historiene våre er alt som er igjen. Velkommen til en liten historietime. Om historier.

6 min read – React

Can you feel the Suspense?!

Suspense is and will become a game changer when it comes to data fetching. It changes the way we structure our code, think about loading states and gives a better experience for both the developers and the users' interface.

3 min read – Kotlin

Sealed classes

4 min read – Security

Kryptert DNS

Når vi surfer på nettet i dag er det meste av trafikken kryptert. Bruksstatistikk fra Google viser at ca. 90 prosent av nettstedene som lastes i nettleseren Chrome lastes over HTTPS. Selv om mye av innholdet vi laster opp og ned over internett er beskyttet, er det fortsatt mye annen informasjon om internettaktiviteten vår som er tilgjengelig for uvedkommende.

2 min read – CSS

Gotta Select'em all

4 min read – Machine Learning

Lost in branches?

First of all, this is not a Git article. This article will give a short introduction to a set of trees almost as powerful as Christmas trees: decision trees.

3 min read – Functional

An overview of the monad

In this article I will give a brief overview of what a monad is. Later articles in this series will use monadic features in different programming examples, therefore I thought it would be a good idea to first give an overview of what a monad is. I will use metaphors to explain the concept, and I will not give any code examples in this article.