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Creating exciting stock photos with ChatGPT and MidJourney

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Kristofer Selbekk

Looking for some neat looking imagery for your next blog post, but feel like Unsplash is played out? Then this article is for you!

What do we say to our robotic overlords? Not today.

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Halvor Mundal

There is no doubt that machine learning AIs have impressed us with their superhuman performance in the last few years. Computer programs such as Alphago, Alphazero, and Openai Five have shown that machines can dominate us humans in Go, Chess and Dota2. While these advances in technology are making a lot of people excited, they are also making some people very scared. If machines can beat us mano a mano in some of our most complex games, what is stopping them from dominating us in real life? In an interview with BBC, Stephen Hawkins said that "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race," and during a presentation for MIT Elon Musk called AI our "biggest existential threat." Surely, when Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkins are calling out the dangers of AI, the rest of us should be afraid. Or should we?

Det 8. slag jul

Artikkel (7 min)
Fra Bendik Witzøe

Vi snakker jul, julekaker og maskinlæring!

The 8th Christmas cookie

Artikkel (9 min)
Fra Magnus Johansen, Bendik Witzøe

Fantasy Premier League with data science

Artikkel (8 min)
Fra Tobias R. Pettrém

Helping you pick the top team for Boxing Day!

Knitting + Machine learning = ❤️

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Henrik Aasen Kjeldsberg

When knitting met machine learning, an untold love story.

Become a data-driven organization

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Harald Kjølner, Ola Swensson

Becoming “data-driven” has been a stated objective for many organizations over the past few years. However, according to Harvard Business review most companies are failing to achieve this.

Who said Christmas cleaning can't be fun?

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Michael Nordmo

The most important part of any data science project is the data. It does not matter how fancy your algorithm is if your data has low quality or does not capture the relationships you are interested in. In the end it all comes down to the simple truth: “garbage in, garbage out”. Data cleaning refers to a variety of methods for improving data quality. It can be a time consuming and challenging process, but the reward for properly cleaning your data can be great.

The quest for general intelligence

Artikkel (5 min)
Fra Asbjørn Steinskog

Recently, machine learning research has increasingly been focused on general learning algorithms where the same algorithm can perform a huge variety of tasks. The ultimate goal by many reinforcement learning researchers is to create machines that can learn to solve any general task, just like humans! Yesterday's article introduced you to the concept of reinforcement learning, and today we're going to take a brief look at some of the coolest projects and greatest breakthroughs in the field of self-learning machines.

Reinforcement learning

Artikkel (6 min)
Fra Tharald Jørgen Stray

From the moment they’re born, animals learn by interacting with their surrounding environment. The basic question in the field of reinforcement learning is: can machines do the same?

How to talk like a machine

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Jørgen Wilhelmsen, Michael Nordmo

When I decided to write a blog post called "How to talk like a machine", I discovered that the question of how to write a simple blog post had a lot of deep implications. The follow-up question was "How can I make my blog post read like a machine-made blog post?". It turns out that there is a difference between writing a single paragraph of prose and a long essay in a natural language. There are a few things you need to be aware of when you write a machine-made blog post.

Converting subjective data to objective data

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Oscar Hafstad

The modern consumer is blessed with an endless supply of products and services that address their needs. In such a competitive environment, companies need to understand the driving forces shaping consumers perception of its products and services. How else can Burger King entice modern consumers into buying their milkshake from them instead of McDonalds? Or how can Nike convince the occasional jogger that their shoes are better than a pair of sneakers with the three tilted and iconic Adidas-stripes imprinted on the side?

Conversation analysis with Python

Artikkel (4 min)
Fra Tobias R. Pettrém

Exploring NLP libraries for Norwegian

A history of beer, statistics and pseudonyms

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Arne Tjora

When it comes down to it, machine learning is, as probably all of you know – statistics on steroids. That’s why todays post is dedicated to one of the fundamental tests we often use in statistics and we perhaps should use even more often.

Dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis

Artikkel (3 min)
Fra Aryan Iranzamini

High dimensional data can be a pain sometimes, at least when it comes to visualization and exploration. Today we will introduce one common technique that can potentially ease the pain a bit.