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Today's posts

6 min read – React

Storybook: background change on prop change

Tired of manually changing the backgrounds in Storybook whenever you change the color theme of your component? With a few lines of code, storybook can automatically change the background color whenever certain props on your component change.

4 min read – Security

An introduction to Burp Suite for web developers

Have you ever worried about the security of the application you are developing and wished for a way to ensure that it is good enough? In this article you will get an introduction to a very popular application security testing tool and some insight into how you can use it as a developer to create secure web applications.

2 min read – JavaScript

VoiceOver for dummies

Everyone that works with development of web pages has to deal with universal design. Accessibility should be considered from the start and it is therefore smart to test with a screen reader during the development. It is often more costly to make an existing project accessible, rather than just doing it right the first time. This fall I have tried to learn how to use VoiceOver on Mac. I want to share with you the most essential parts I have learned and I hope this introduction will help you get started with VoiceOver.

5 min read – Strategy

Historien om da Bislett Games ble grønnere

Fem grep Bislett Games tok for å bli verdens mest bærekraftige internasjonale friidrettstevne 💚

15 min listen – UX

Er nudging egentlig manipulering? (Del 3 av 3)

Drypp er en lavterskel podcast fra Bekk. I denne episoden snakker vi om nudging.