

Climbing trees

Custom types are powerful data structures that might seem somewhat complicated to work with, at least if they are nested. Let's take a look at how we can deal with nested custom types in a simple way! ๐ŸŠ

2 min read


By Ragnhild Aalvik


December 6, 2020

Custom types in Elm are used when defining data types that can have different possible variants. We can think of this data structure as a tree, with each branch representing one variant of the data type. Each variant, or branch, can itself contain a new custom type, resulting in a nested tree structure. We call this a nested custom type.

Let's look at an example. Say we have a, very simplified, custom type Fruit:

type Fruit
	= Apple
	| Pear
	| Citrus CitrusFruit

type CitrusFruit
	= Orange
	| Lemon
	| Lime

The Fruit type contains different variants of a fruit, with one of them being Citrus. Citrus itself contains another custom type, namely CitrusFruit, which makes Fruit an example of a nested custom type.

What if we want to write a function that returns a png-image of a given fruit? Then we would have to destructure the fruit using a case..of expression. This could be done like this:

image : Fruit -> String
image fruit =
    case fruit of
        Apple ->

        Pear ->

        Citrus citrus ->
            case citrus of
                Orange ->

                Lemon ->

                Lime ->

As you can see, this way of unwrapping the Fruit requires two case..of expressions. The resulting code is not very readable and can, in fact, be written in a much simpler way! We can simply destructure the whole Fruit in one case..of expression like this:

imageImproved : Fruit -> String
imageImproved fruit =
    case fruit of
        Apple ->

        Pear ->

        Citrus Orange ->

        Citrus Lemon ->

        Citrus Lime ->

See how much easier this function is to scan? ๐Ÿง This little "trick" is something people new to Elm often don't know about, which is a pity as it makes the code both easier to write and more readable. It is especially helpful in the update function if you have a nested Msg. Try it out the next time you climb trees!