If you are new to JavaScript, chances are that you might find it a bit confusing at times. This is with good reason as JavaScript is a language of many quirks packed with odd behaviors and inconsistency. Let's make JavaScript a bit less confusing by tackling one of the more overlooked quirk of JavaScript known as Hoisting.

What is Hoisting
Hoisting is something that happens during the compilation stage of the JavaScript code. Just before the code is executed the compiler scans for all variable and function declarations and allocates them in the memory. As a result, when the code is executed all variable and function declarations will be accessible at the beginning of its current scope regardless of when it was declared in the source code. This creates an illusion that make it seems like the source code has changed and that all the variable and function declarations has been moved to the top of their current scope.
Let’s take a look at an example of how variables declared using var
are hoisted. Consider the following code, what do you think the output will be?
var movie = “Bølgen”;
If you guessed undefined
you’re absolutely right. But why did we get this result? As previously mentioned, during the compilation stage the variable declaration is added to the memory, but this is only true for the variable declaration and not the actual value assignment. The compiler will only process the declaration and then automatically initialize it to undefined
. The assignment of the actual value is not changed and still happens where it was declared. If we were to illustrate this using code it would look something like this:
var movie; // Initialized to undefined
movie = “Bølgen”; // Assign the value
Let and const
Let’s build upon the previous example. If we substitute var
with let
, what do you think the output will be?
let movie = “Bølgen”;
If you guessed ReferenceError
you’re right again! While let
and const
gets hoisted just like var
there is a small difference in how they are initialized. Instead of being initialized to undefined
like in the case of var
, let
and const
remains uninitialized and does not get assigned a value before the declaration. The space between where the variable is created and assigned a value is often referred to as the Temporal Dead Zone
. If we try to access the variable inside this space, we will get a ReferenceError
let movie; // Not automatically assigned a value
console.log(movie); // Temporal Dead Zone
movie = “Bølgen”; // Assign the value
Like a regular variable declarations functions are also hoisted. During the compilation stage the function declaration is read and allocated in the memory. This makes it possible to access the function before it is declared in the source code.
printMyFavoriteMovie(); // Prints out "Bølgen"
function printMyFavoriteMovie() {
When using function expression, we can expect the same behavior as hoisted variables. In the example below, we try to store a function inside a var
. As we know by now, when var
are hoisted they get initialized to undefined
. If we try to access the function before it is declared, we will get TypeError: printMyFavoriteMovie is not a function
because it is undefined
and not a function.
printMyFavoriteMovie(); // TypeError: printMyFavoriteMovie is not a function
var printMyFavoriteMovie = function printMovie() {
Pitfalls to look out for
- Always make variable and function declarations at the top to avoid confusion.
- Use
instead ofvar
to avoid running into unexpected errors.