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Today's posts

3 min read – Kotlin


3 min read – Elm

The power of let expressions

In the previous christmas articles we have seen how to destructure tuples, records, and single-value custom types in the function arguments. Today we take a look at how to destructure values in let expressions, along with some of the use-cases where I find this the most helpful.

4 min read – JavaScript


Although I've been a professional developer for over seven years, there are still many programming terms I've yet to fully understand. I've heard the term "closures" many times, but I never really bothered to dive into the meaning of it. Maybe this is because I had a decent idea of what it was about, and I knew pretty well how to use it? It's about time I take the leap to figure this out, and finally get some closure.

4 min read – Security

Five big hacks of 2020

Today we are going to explore five big hacks that took place in 2020. First we'll cover two hacks that targeted Norwegian companies Sykehuspartner and NHH. Then we'll take a look at a hack that targeted the Danish company ISS. To wrap things up we'll cover what is probably the two most high profile hacks of 2020: the Twitter phish and the CWT ransom.

2 min read – UX

So you’ve opened Figma, now what?

Maybe you have just been hired by a company that uses Figma? Maybe you have been using Sketch and Abstract for the last years and heard some good things about this new, up and coming design tool? Maybe you even have used Figma for a while and you’re curious if maybe there still are some tricks you haven’t yet learned? Well, look no further! The answers to all some of your questions lie ahead!

7 min read – Functional

The case for Elixir

Today I want to give you an introduction to the programming language Elixir, some of its features and why you might want to check it out!

3 min read – Talks

Mastering lightning talks

Short and succinct presentations conveying a message crafted with flawless precision. Accompanied by a set number of slides shown for a limited time. Presenters pacing their speech to line up with perfection as the next slide appears. Lightning talks are like regular talks. Only on steroids.

6 min read – Strategy

Hva kan etablerte selskaper lære av vekstselskaper?

Vekst er på mange måter livsnerven i ethvert selskap. I fraværet av vekst, vil et selskap stagnere og etterhvert forvitre.

20 min listen – Innovation

Hvordan jobber vi med innovasjon i faggrupper i Bekk?

10 min read – The Cloud

Schrems-II – Slutten på skyen?

I juli falt en dom i den europeiske domstolen som vil få store konsekvenser for bruken av skytjenester i Europa. Max Schrems vant frem i sitt søksmål mot Facebook, hvor han mente at overføring av hans personopplysninger til USA var ulovlig. Denne avgjørelsen endrer ikke bare hvordan Facebook opererer, men kan potensielt forby bruk av de amerikanske skyleverandørene, samt leverandører i andre land som ikke har godt nok personvern.

6 min read – React

Intelligent fetching and caching with SWR

Every now and then, a library surfaces that change the way you're used to thinking. In this case, it is rethinking the data flow in your React app. SWR provides a complex data store with a simple interface, helping you write simple patterns with less code.