Kjetil Svalestuen
Mitt hobbyprosjekt: Quizerator
Quizerator er et spill for å konkurrere i flervalgsspørsmål, med en enkel vri – du slipper å komme på spørsmålene selv!
Quizerator er et spill for å konkurrere i flervalgsspørsmål, med en enkel vri – du slipper å komme på spørsmålene selv!
3 Upcoming CSS Features
This is a follow-up on a previous post about 3 New Additions to CSS in 2023. Last time, I discussed a set of new CSS features that have recently become widely available in modern browsers. Today, let's delve into the most anticipated changes that are expected to release some time during 2024.
This is a follow-up on a previous post about 3 New Additions to CSS in 2023. Last time, I discussed a set of new CSS features that have recently become widely available in modern browsers. Today, let's delve into the most anticipated changes that are expected to release some time during 2024.
Tre Grids for generasjon Flex
CSS Grids er nå godt støttet av alle moderne nettlesere. Hensikten med Grids er å designe layouts over to dimensjoner. Men uansett hvor mange dimensjoner, ender jeg nesten alltid opp med å ty til en Flexbox.
CSS Grids er nå godt støttet av alle moderne nettlesere. Hensikten med Grids er å designe layouts over to dimensjoner. Men uansett hvor mange dimensjoner, ender jeg nesten alltid opp med å ty til en Flexbox.
3 New Additions to CSS in 2023
The web is constantly evolving, and CSS is no exception. The last few years have given us widely supported features such as Grids, Variables (Custom properties) and New viewport units – among other improvements.
The web is constantly evolving, and CSS is no exception. The last few years have given us widely supported features such as Grids, Variables (Custom properties) and New viewport units – among other improvements.
Lær deg CSS, ikke Tailwind
Teamet mitt startet nylig å skrive CSS. Vi er ferdig med superspråk som kompilerer ned til CSS. Vi bruker ikke noen rammeverk, men skriver gode, gamle CSS-regler. Det er på tide å forenkle hvordan vi tenker på styling.
Teamet mitt startet nylig å skrive CSS. Vi er ferdig med superspråk som kompilerer ned til CSS. Vi bruker ikke noen rammeverk, men skriver gode, gamle CSS-regler. Det er på tide å forenkle hvordan vi tenker på styling.
Deno, a framework for JavaScript-ing
Back in 2009, Ryan Dahl entered the stage on JSConf and presented his newest project, Node.js. And since then, Node has grown into an enormous ecosystem with over 1.5 million packages on NPM. 9 years later, during JSConf 2018, he enters the stage again. This time, he apologizes to the JavaScript community and discusses the 10 things he regrets about Node. Towards the end, he reveals his new project, an alternative framework for JavaScript development. The new project is called Deno. And this year, Deno finally left the alpha stage, offering a stable CLI and solid documentation. Which means it's the perfect time to have a closer look!
Back in 2009, Ryan Dahl entered the stage on JSConf and presented his newest project, Node.js. And since then, Node has grown into an enormous ecosystem with over 1.5 million packages on NPM. 9 years later, during JSConf 2018, he enters the stage again. This time, he apologizes to the JavaScript community and discusses the 10 things he regrets about Node. Towards the end, he reveals his new project, an alternative framework for JavaScript development. The new project is called Deno. And this year, Deno finally left the alpha stage, offering a stable CLI and solid documentation. Which means it's the perfect time to have a closer look!
Four Exciting Web Proposals
The JavaScript Advent Calendar is coming to an end. For each day in December, we've written an article on a subject that matters to us. If you want to keep learning about the language and the web itself, here's four exciting web proposals you might want to play with during the holidays!
The JavaScript Advent Calendar is coming to an end. For each day in December, we've written an article on a subject that matters to us. If you want to keep learning about the language and the web itself, here's four exciting web proposals you might want to play with during the holidays!
The Adaptive Web Developer
Modern frameworks are easy to learn. From zero web experience, they help you get productive in a matter of weeks. But for me, the web remained a mystery until I taught myself the very basics.
Modern frameworks are easy to learn. From zero web experience, they help you get productive in a matter of weeks. But for me, the web remained a mystery until I taught myself the very basics.